PayDay is coming

My budget starts and ends with my payday. When I receive my paycheck I check my latest budget. Did I budget the correct amount?

Review budget August

  1. This month I had no differences in my fixed expenses. I ate out more than budgeted. But spent less from my play jar.
  2. I put more money towards paying off my debts. I see it as a positive but looking at my balance, a lower number does hurt me a bit.

Feedback for making my budget next week

My extra debt payment is necessary to reach my debt free status. I have to celebrate every extra cent that goes in paying it off.

Ready for closing my August budget
August was a good month.

  1. My budget was mostly correct.
  2. I paid more towards debt than any previous month.
  3. I paid two debts off fully.

Next week I will setup my budget for September!

How is your August going?